*How do I create an employment case when there is a company representative?

When representing a company in an employment immigration case, it is frequently helpful to give access to the client portal to a Company Representative.

It is important to structure your cases in the following manner:

  1. Create a “Company” contact for the company.
  2. Create a separate contact for the individual who will be the “Company Representative”
  3. Create another separate contact for the immigrant/employee.
  4. Create the case under the Immigrant’s Contact.  This is required so that if the immigrant need, they may access their information through the client portal as well.
  5. Under the “Company” contact, you will navigate to the “Related Contacts” tab.
  6. Link the Company Representative Contact to the Company and select “Company Representative” as the relationship.
  7. Now, link the immigrant/employee to the Company contact and select the relationship of “Employee.”  

By following this format, when the company representative logs into the client portal, they will be able to see all the employees that the company is petitioning.  They will be able to also review each of their cases, checklists, flow, and forms and also enter information for them in their “Personal Information” menu.

When working on the forms, remember:

1.  You will need to ALSO go to the Immigrant’s contact page and link both the Company Representative and the Company to the immigrant so that they company can be used to fill roles on the forms.

Last updated byJames